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Cyprus Traffic Laws, Offences, Fines and Points.
Here is a list of the main traffic offences in Cyprus.
This list is not exhaustive but is a good guide.
The main law was updated on the 5th November 2010. The definitive Government publication in Greek can be downloaded here. An addendum regarding speeding and drink driving was made on the 15th June 2012.
It should be noted that Municipalities and similar entity's are able enact laws and impose fines.
Some of the offences listed without penalty points may attract them at a later date.
On reaching twelve penalty points the courts will normally disqualify a driver from driving and suspend the driving licence. Currently penalty points are removed three years after the day on which they were imposed.
The penalty point system is currently under review. Details can be found here.
Payment of Traffic Fines
Traffic fines are not paid to the officer at the roadside. More information on payment of fines....
Drink driving.
The limit is lower than UK at 22 micrograms per 100 ml. More information here.
The reading from 23 to 35 micrograms - fine €100 - 0 - 2 penalty points
reading 36 to 55 micrograms -fine €200 - 2 - 4 penalty points
reading 56 to 70 micrograms - fine €300 - 3 - 6 penalty points
Over 71 micrograms - Prison or fine between €150 - €400 will be determined by the court - 3 - 6 penalty points
Drunk in charge of a vehicle. Determined by the court
Speeds between up to 30% over the limit - fine €1 per km/h - 0 - 2 penalty points
Speeds between between 31% and 50% over the limit - fine €2 per km/h - 2 - 4 penalty points
Speeds between between 51% and 75% over the limit - fine €3 per km/h - 3 - 6 penalty points
Speeds over 75% - Determined by the court - 3 - 6 penalty points
More detailed information can be found regarding the above can bee found here.
Some Common Offences
Using a mobile telephone with their hands while driving. - 2, max. 4 penalty points - A fine of €85
Eating or drinking while driving. - fine €85
Seat belts - omission: (a) installation (b) use by drivers and passengers. - 2, max. 4 penalty points - A fine of €85
Not carrying a reflective warning triangle. - fine €20
The writing, attaching or displaying of any object, for example a tax disc, on the windscreen of a vehicle is prohibited. - Fine
Document Offences
No driving licence or no insurance. - Determined by the court
No road tax (circulation licence). Determined by the court
No MOT (Bi annual vehicle inspection). Determined by the court
Registration Plate - Number plate infringements. Police have power to detain and remove vehicles not complying with the regulations. More information here. - fine €85
Failing to notify change of ownership or sale of vehicle within 30 days. - fine
Bad driving
Causing death through dangerous driving. - 5, max. 10 penalty points - The fine will be determined by the court
Dangerous driving. - 3, max. 6 penalty points - The fine will be determined by the court
Careless driving. - 3, max. 6 penalty points - The fine will be determined by the court
Signalling - The driver failing to make signals. - fine €25
Failing to stop after an accident. - 5, max. 10 penalty points - The fine will be determined by the court
Motorcycle Offences
Motorcycle / Moped - Rider or Passenger - No helmet. - 1, max. 4 penalty points - A fine of €85
Moped - driving moped on Highway. - fine €85
Motorcycle / Moped - pillion under 12 years old. - fine €25
Motorcycle / Moped - passenger being carried in front of driver. - fine €25
Motorcycle / Moped - pillion not sitting astride vehicle. - fine €25
Driving Offences
Non-mechanical vehicle on motorways and high speed roads. - fine €85
Dropping litter. - fine
Taxi Fares - taxi driver fails have a table of charges in a prominent place in the taxi. - fine €25
Windows - glass windows with limited visibility. - fine
Failing - to comply with traffic lights. - 2, max. 4 penalty points - A fine of €85
Failing - to comply with directions given by a Police Officer . - fine €55
Failing - to comply with directions given by traffic signs. - fine €25
Failing - to stop or to conform to the signals of the traffic warden or Crossing Patrol at a school crossing . - fine €55
Failing - to stop and allow precedence to pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing. - fine €85
Driving the wrong way down a one way road. - fine €25
Failing - to slow down to allow the safe passage of other vehicles or traffic . - fine €55
Overtaking on the left, on a bridge, top of a hill, opposite a junction, pedestrian crossing a continuous line or other sign . - fine €55
Driving of motor vehicles in a pedestrian street . - fine €55
Illegal entry of motor vehicles on the road with restrictions on the movement of motor vehicles . - fine €55
Priority - driver who does not give priority to vehicles coming from the right at junctions with main road or at controlled crossings or ho drives into main road without stopping or slowing down . - fine €55
Other Types of Offences
Smoking - in private motor vehicle, with a person under the age of sixteen in the vehicle. - fine €85
Smoking - in public vehicle. - fine €85
Smoking - in designated public places where smoking is prohibited. - fine
Obstruction - of the highway with a motor vehicle. - fine €85
Obstruction - most other forms of obstruction. - fine €50
Obstruction - Heavy vehicles - a truck driver or bus does not stop and allow the other traffic to pass. - fine €25
Parking - on the pavement, on a bus stop or disabled bay, a short distance from a corner, traffic lights, etc. Parking facing other than in the direction of traffic flow. This applies at any time day or night even if it is in a permitted parking place. - fine €85
Driver - who is in an irregular position inside the vehicle or raises his hand from the steering wheel unnecessarily. - fine €25
Passengers - not sitting in fixed seats, obstructs or interferes with the normal operation of the vehicle or is making signs or gestures could be seen as traffic signals. - fine €25
Cargo - passenger vehicle carrying bulky and hazardous cargo in a vehicle. - fine €50
Dangerous load or overhang. (More than 10% of vehicles length). - fine €50
Shipments - which project or are hazardous. - fine €50
Driving a motor vehicle which has been modified,changed or adapted. - fine
Tyre (tire)- dangerous or defective. More Tyre Information (.pdf) - €25
Silencers - or lack of silencer system. min 2, max 4 - €50
Silencers - Using the vehicle with excessive smoke. min 2, max 4 - €50
Mirrors-infringement regarding reflexes mirrors. - fine €25
Windows - windscreen washers / wipers non-existent or defective. - fine €25
Doors - person who opens the door of a vehicle in a manner unsafe or disturbing for other vehicles or leaves the door open making another vehicles movement excessive. - fine €25
Lights - offences relating to parking lights and placing of a reflective warning triangle. - fine €25
Lights - offences relating to motor vehicle headlamps. - fine €25
Unnecessary reversing. - fine €25
Unnecessary use of horn in built up areas. - fine €25
Learning to drive
Learner Driver - failing to display E plate. - fine €25
Learner Driver - driver of a vehicle carrying passengers other than the supervisor. - fine €25
Learner Driver - driver who is not accompanied by a licensed driver. - fine €25
Learner Driver - on highway not accompanied by a Cyprus Registered driving instructor. - fine
Learner Driver - motorcycle driver carrying passengers other than the supervisor. - fine €25
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